Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2022

Mercari order december 2022


Hello peeps! ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

Long time not seen. How are you? My life is so messi right now... I have absolutely no time for ... nothing.
But the last few days I had a little bit freetime for the christmas holiday. So I take my chance to order a few items from Marcari for my soul. 
I have two weeks left to find a few more items I like ... then the free storage time for my first order item is up... I need more inspo Q_Q... Here in Germany it is so freaking cold ... and I absolutly hate cold weather. Yeah I know I can place the order withe the three pices I allready have... but the shipping is so expenciv. I need like 5-8 things so it´s worth it.
You wonder, why I show you the unfinished order right? ... I have no idea when I have time to blog in the future... so I need to blog now.
(I have a little bit of a life crisis at this moment going on. My study is fuck me up... It is boring, the profs are mean and the fellow students are toxic... It´s a disaster. )

But back to business. Here are my current stuff I found and order. 
Isn't this Cecil McBee top adorable? I found it a few weeks ago and couldn't stop myself to order it immediatly.

This is a christmas miracle haha! I found the Ank Rouge setup from the Popteen issue of august 2012! And it cost me under €10,00.

Now I only need a red bow and some black ruffle socks. Creepers are not my style... I think I combine this outfit with my white off brand Buffalo shoes.

And last but not least. 3 new/old egg magazines with my favorite gal Yumachi on the cover ♥
Can't wait to get my hands on these.

That's it. I update you very soon. It could also still be that one of the parts is not delivered.


2025 年 2 月 6 日

  Hello peeps! I just completed an aptitude test!    I won't find out whether the new job works until the end of next week. ....   xoxo ...