Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

3 Days School ... [Repost]


Hello peeps ! 
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

I decided to repost my old entries from my original blog.
This is so cringe .... but yeah that's my start in 2011, when I was a newbee-gal.
My English was even worse than now, so I hope you're having fun.
It's best if you look at it with a large portion of humor.

This post is from 09-28-2011
enjoy cringing



Hay Leute,
ich bin nun genau 3 Tage wieder in der Schule (Mo - Mi) und ich bin so enttäuscht. Die Schule nervt mich von Tag zu Tag mehr, ich wurde von meiner Freundin Mizu getrennt in zwei unterschiedliche Gruppen. 
Ja - bei uns gibt es Gruppe 1 und Gruppe 2 weil unser Fotostudio zu klein für 22 Leute ist. Und nun wurde ich einfach in Gruppe 2 gesteckt  !!!! Es kotzt mich einfach an -.- .... 

Okay gut jetzt mal wieder auf den Boden, es gab noch mehr Sachen die mich wirklich aufgeregt haben. Mein neuer Arbeitsplatz will mich zum Beispiel nicht als 400 € Kraft einstellen .... sondern als Teilzeit ... damit würde ich mehr verdienen - .... das wiederum heißt aber das ich meine Kohle versteuern müsste! Und laut einem Kollegen wären das über 50% .... LOL 
Jetzt dachte ich echt es geht wieder Berg auf mit meinem Leben und dem Organisatorischen/Kohle usw. und dann das. 
Meine Mam versucht mir natürlich nun ernsthaft den Job aus zu reden. Von dem bin ich natrlich überhaupt nicht zufrieden... ich will endlich mal wieder shoppen? Schuhe? ... HALLO??? Der Winter kommt bald xD *lach* (morgen 25C° ....  winter? spaß :D )  Ne aber ich will mir endlich mal wieder was leisten können ._. 
Was meint ihr dazu? Habt ihr einen Job? Müsst ihr was versteuern oder arbeitet ihr auf 400 € Basis? 
Schreibt mir eure Meinung als Kommi :) 

So, ich habe mir dieses echt super Video von Sui Princess angeschaut 


Ich mag es, wie sie ihre Haare macht, sieht super aus und ich denke es ist einfach nach zu machen :D 
Wenn man so viele Haare hätte xD .... Ohne Extensions sieht das leider nicht so gut aus. 
... Okay ich gebe es zu ich habe versucht es nach zu frisieren, habe dann aber doch nach einer Weile aufgegeben da ich meien Extensions noch nicht habe :´D 
Die Frisur sah dann bei mir so aus xD - (nicht lachen bitte xDD) 

Also, (ich schau auf dem Bild voll böse ... naja war glaub 6:30 Uhr oder so :D demnach noch nicht ganz wach) Ich habe keine Extensions (noch nicht!) da meine die ich besitze dunkel braun sind ... und ich mich seit diesem Jahr wieder entschiedne habe zu erblonden xD und ja ... meine Haare lassen sich nicht toupieren ... fragt mich nicht warum! Ich habe keine Ahnung .... UND Die Locken haben keinen Halben Tag gehalten ... :( 
Meine Haare haben einfach ihren eigenen Willen und sind für solche Stylings warscheinlich zu schwer ._. oder zu dick ... wer weis. 

Nun ja das wars für heute ... 
(I´m sorry I was too lazy to translate the text .... )
Bis dann meine Süßen!!!
Tamiko Hisao

Samstag, 24. September 2011

* - *Job Search * - * [Repost]


Hello peeps ! 
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

I decided to repost my old entries from my original blog.
This is so cringe .... but yeah that's my start in 2011, when I was a newbee-gal.
My English was even worse than now, so I hope you're having fun.
It's best if you look at it with a large portion of humor.

This post is from 09-24-2011




Hey my dear readers,
Yesterday I was looking for a job with my friend Vera.When I first tried a one-time job at the H&M to get things in Emmendingen , but unfortunately not investigated the more helpers. I was a little sad about it and went only once, in frustration browse Deichmann.And I found THE shoes! My shoes: D
They are simply beautiful, so amazing! But look for yourself: D

Of course I could shoe and handbag freak - not again stand in the pocket to pass. The winter is really great! - At least in terms of collections.Because I really hate the cold and wetness, which prevails in the fall and winter.While I hope that the summer is still something shows before heading into the freezing cold, but in all seriousness, we have September! xD
So where was I? - Oh yes, we were still involved in the Kaufland where Vera works.At the Repzeption she asked her colleague if you have studied part-time jobbers searches. Immediately and without hesitation she pulled out an application form that they gave me lie down.I had the application not even completely filled out, because I was asked for an interview. The conversation was about a half to three quarters of an hour and I was hired! Overjoyed, I much Vera in her arms, she has finally given me this job: D
Oh and if you wonder who exactly is actually Vera: This is a picture of us. In an elevator xD direction issued in the Merk Galerie Emmendingen.

So, yesterday for the day, I wish you a great weekend!
Love Tamiko

Hay meine Lieben Leser,
Gestern war ich auf der Suche nach einem Job mit meiner Freundin Vera. Zuerst versuchte ich es beim H&M für einen Einmaligen Job als Inventurshilfe in Emmendingen, doch leider suchten die keine Mithelfer mehr. - war leider zu spät dran :( 
Ich war etwas traurig darüber, aus diesem Grund ging ich ersteinmal Frust-schaun bei  Deichmann. Und ich fand DIE Schuhe!!! meine Schuhe :D (bald vielleicht xD)
Sie sind einfach wunderschön, so unglaublich! Aber schaut selbst :D
Natürlich konnte ich -Schuh und Handtaschen Freak - nicht wiederstehen bei den Taschen vorbei zu gehen. Der Winter wird echt toll! - zumindest was die Kollektionen angeht.Denn eigentlich hasse ich die Kälte und Nässe, die im Herbst und Winter herscht. Zwar hoffe ich darauf das der Sommer sich noch mal etwas zeigt bevor es dann in die eisigekälte geht, doch ganz im Ernst wir haben September! xD So wo war ich stehen gebliben ? <(o_O)> ...  Ach ja, betroffen gingen wir noch in das Kaufland in dem Vera arbeitet. An der Repzeption fragte sie ihre Arbeitskollegin ob Sie noch Aushilfen suchen.
Sofort und ohne zu zögern zückte sie ein Bewerbungsformular, dass sie mir hinlegte. Ich hatte die Bewerbung noch nicht mal ganz ausgefüllt, da wurde ich zu einem Bewerbungsgespräch gebeten. Das Gespräch ging ca. eine halbe bis dreiviertel Stunde und schon war ich eingestellt! Überglücklich viel ich Vera in die Arme, schließlich hat sie mir zu diesem Job verholfen :D Oh und wenn ihr euch fragt wer nun eigentlich Vera ist :
Hier ein Bild von uns beiden. In einem Aufzug xD Richtung EG in der Merk Galerie.

So, das zum Gestrigen Tag, ich wünsche euch ein tolles Wochenende!
Liebe Grüße

Music ^^

Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

~*~ Beautiful Day With My Love ~*~ [Repost]

 Hello peeps ! 
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

I decided to repost my old entries from my original blog.
This is so cringe .... but yeah that's my start in 2011, when I was a newbee-gal.
My English was even worse than now, so I hope you're having fun.
It's best if you look at it with a large portion of humor. 

 So .... I read it and ... wtf?! This is no english( ؕؔʘ̥̥̥̥ ه ؔؕʘ̥̥̥̥ )?

... hahaha

This post is from the September 22nd of 2011...




Hello my darlings,

Today was finally a beautiful day. I visited my boyfriend Felix by 16 clock. The train crowded totally! -.- What cost me some of my nerves, but thank God I only had to endure a full 15 minutes.It was a beautiful day with him, I brought in pieces of fresh watermelon and shortly before 7, we made our dinner * _ *

 I know why not at the moment there are only pictures on this blog, where I wear these glasses: D

What I'd forgotten until I went to him, I made a detour in our "small town" and these wonderful earrings purchased * _ *

So and that was my outfit today, I thought it would be cold. ... 
but was then (with jacket) warm to hot but better than too cold!

Pulli: onelove
Weste/vest: H&M
Rock/skirt: Fishbone
Schuhe/Shoes: Reno 
Foxtail: H&M
Yes, I know ... the pictures look a bit out of scheduled .... But I'm still not quite fit again ... : (

Hallo meine Süßen,

Heute war endlich mal wieder ein schöner Tag. Ich besuchte meinen festen Freund Felix um 16 Uhr.
Der Zug total überfüllt! -.- was mich einige meiner Nerven kostete, doch Gott sei dank musste ich es nur ganze 15 Minuten aushalten. Es war ein schöner Tag bei ihm, ich brachte frische Wassermelone in Stückchen mit und um kurz vor 7 machten wir uns Abendessen * _ *
(Bilder sind oben)
Was ich ganz vergessen hatte, bevor ich zu ihm gegangen bin, habe ich noch einen abstecher in unsere "Kleinstadt" gemacht und diese tollen Ohringe gekauft * _ *
(Bild ist oben)
Ja, ich weis ... die Bilder sehen etwas verplant aus .... aber ich bin noch nicht ganz wieder fit ... :(

Ich habe mich vor ein paarTagen im German Gyaru Lovers Forum angemeldet ^^ und hoffe dort auf anschluss :D Der Anfang ist gemacht ^^ und hat alles super geklappt :) mal sehen wie es weiter läuft.

Ich wünsche euch allen eine gute Nacht ^^
Liebe Grüße

Montag, 19. September 2011

~ * ~ Finally, Sleep Times ~ * ~ [Repost]


Hello peeps ! 
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

I decided to repost my old entries from my original blog.
This is so cringe .... but yeah that's my start in 2011, when I was a newbee-gal.
My English was even worse than now, so I hope you're having fun.
It's best if you look at it with a large portion of humor.

This entry is from september, 19 of 2011 ... ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)



~ * ~ Finally, Sleep Times ~ * ~

Hey my darlings,

Today I was able to sleep for the first time, albeit not entirely voluntarily, because I unfortunately not heard about my alarm clock. I should have gone back again to the photo project, but I was so exhausted from 40 hours per week in the operation I was just not awake. Of course I felt bad when I looked at the alarm clock by 14 and noticed that I'd have to get up at 9 clock to be there on time. Unfortunately, I could not change it.The weather was just awful! It rained all night. For this reason, my sleep was very restless between 22:10 and 5:00 clock I woke up again and again sporadically. As already said, I woke up at 14 clock and got a fright. After I realized that my baby firstonce still asleep next to me I stood up to make breakfast.
No one was home, neither my mother nor my sister, my dad. I remembered that my grandmother had a birthday this Sunday and made myself a coffee.

Oh yes, I need a coffee every day. I love this drink, I usually drink 3 cups a day never less * _ * ~ ♥

When everything was ready on the table, I gently woke my boyfriend and went with him breakfast. Then we decided to take a little walk through my place of residence. It was really nice ^ __ ^

 Yes long time we have only argued but that Sunday it was really amazing!

Oh, yes it was very, very cold. Shows in our faces - but above all to my slightly red nose (> _ <)
My curling iron is slowly on the mind (TT _ TT)

Like shadow pictures ^ o ^ ~ ♥

That day I first wore my new contact lenses, they are super friendly! and very compfortable. The brown looks very natural and can only look at all accurate to conclude that they are lenses. From farther away, it's hardly noticeable (^ o ^) ♪ Unfortunately the picture is slightly blurred ... I have noticed is unfortunately too late. You get a picture on the soon repays you in the eye lens is in focus.

Oh I just noticed that we have two already half ... then yes you would think einfahc hich this blog written before Monday morning ^ ^ ° 

During car to write the music I've heard the:

So I wish you a good start to the week ^ _ ^ * nyan *
Until today / tomorrow night  (: _ :)
Your Tamiko

Samstag, 17. September 2011

♫ ~* Shopping With My Boyfriende *~ ♫ [Repost]

Hello peeps ! 
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

I decided to repost my old entries from my original blog.
This is so cringe .... but yeah that's my start in 2011, when I was a newbee-gal.
My English was even worse than now, so I hope you're having fun.
It's best if you look at it with a large portion of humor.

This entry is from september, 17 of 2011 ... ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)



 Hey Girlys,

Today my morning starts at 9 clock and I felt me broken and exhausted. Then at 11 clock started the photo project which I have told you. It was not like I've imagined it, but good nonetheless.After the photo-project, I met with Felix, my friend in Freiburg.We bought him a pair of pants and a jacket for him: D He once confided to my "good" taste! and he liked it very much! : D * very proud* After exhausting shopping spree, we treated ourselves to a late and cappucino in the Freiburg main station in K amp; U Cafe. In addition there was still a delicious apple pie for him and a chocolate croissant for me ^ _ ^ ~ ♥

When we went to, I hoped that my contact lenses have finally arrived. And actually - they were lying on my desk!

Are not they great? : D

Tomorrow I'll put pictures of them on how they look worn. In town I bought some new eyelashes  - amazing

Also there are pictures of them tomorrow as they look (on eye)

And now a simply brilliant picture of Felix and me ^ ~

On the lower right image, we have cat ears: D The glasses are also used ~ ♫ like it ^ __ ^

So, small entry for today. Now is not seen a movie ^ _ ^ * evil laugh he was romantic * mags but I do not care xD

Good night my sweet
LG Tamiko

Dienstag, 13. September 2011

♥ Bonprix order ♥ [Repost]


Hello peeps ! 
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

I decided to repost my old entries from my original blog.
This is so cringe .... but yeah that's my start in 2011, when I was a newbee-gal.
My English was even worse than now, so I hope you're having fun.
It's best if you look at it with a large portion of humor.

This entry is from september, 13 of 2011 ... ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)



 Hay sweetys

Today I woke up with severe headaches came on to leg cramps ... very painful . Since I could not work such pain, I was forced to stay home ... and that in my last weeks work placement - _ -
I said to my mother's modest and got from her a magnesium tablet that I should solve in water - which I did!
In the hope that the seizures disappeared after the bubbling stuff, I still put myself through 20 minutes. And indeed, the pain became weaker.At the breakfast bell rang suddenly, unexpectedly at the door. It was my order of Bonprix.So I went after the meal, with the packet in my room to look at my bargain.

 Let us look a little short dare look at my selection ...


Outfit N° 1  : white blouse with a brown belt, gray jeans 
(unfortunately two dress sizes too big) and white sandals

Outfit N° 2: transparent blouse in creamy-white, sweet necklace 
and a pale blue jeans ( These pants are also 2 size too big) to nice conjac colored sandals 

Outfit N° 3: pink jumpsuit (very, very compfortable!) 
combined with pink leisure shoes 

 Outfit N°4: Sweet black sweater (baggy) with a heart application on it . (Unfortunately, not visible in the photo) with very dark jeans (and again too large ...) and pink pumps

Outfit N° 5: white ruffle top with lace, denim vest and 
again the bright pink jeans with pumps

 I ordered a total of 20 items. But I'll still have to decide exactly what I keep. One thing is sure, the pants have to go unfortunately. ... siem faces wide hips and thick thighs: (
Between these shoes it is very difficult to decide.

  The sweet necklace and the cardigan are in close range.

Now I'm just waiting on my brown contact lenses ^ ^ ~ ♥ hope they come tomorrow :D .... if they are as I tell it to you ♥ As of Wednesday, I would like to go on a diet because I am somehow uncomfortable. Let's see if I can pull through ... in a week I do a little report about how it's going, whether I've already lost fat and if my stomach has become less extent. ... so thats all for now sweethearts

Your Tamiko ^ ^ ~♥

Montag, 12. September 2011

~* ♥ *~ Today it´s Monday ~* ♥ *~ [Repost]


Hello peeps ! 
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

I decided to repost my old entries from my original blog.
This is so cringe .... but yeah that's my start in 2011, when I was a newbee-gal.
My English was even worse than now, so I hope you're having fun.
It's best if you look at it with a large portion of humor.

This entry is from september, 12 of 2011 ... ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)



~* ♥ *~ Today it´s Monday ~* ♥ *~

 Hello guys ! ^ w ^

Today starts my last week with my training period in photo trade. I was three weeks there and it was so much fun! But also strenuous ... however, I have got so many information there and I´ll never would miss that time in the photo trade. After the work I looked for a soap donator for my bathroom and i found!

In real it looks pinker than the photo ^ ^°  ....
Also I saved me 2 brown contact lenses from ebay, I´m very happy because they are my first pair of "normal" contacts. I´m very excited how it looks on me. I will post a picture if they are there.


Oh it´s very difficult to write in english for me because normaly I´m very bad in school-english ... so I try my best that you understand me ^ _ ^° maybe I write my blog in two spoke ... but i don´t know ... >_< ...

Tomorrow its tuesday ... but nothing special for this day plan so hope my contacts coming or my order by bonprix 
* w * ! Oh yes I have order some beautiful clothes and shoes on last thursday so I wait for my package ^^ 
I want to show it to you if it has arrived but till then one means to -  wait  - ♫ ♪ 
... if I hope becomes better in in English... then I can write more. Nevertheless, at the moment it is difficult for me very much.... 

Okay - thats all for now ! Wish you a good night ( ^ o ^ )~ ♥

2025 年 2 月 6 日

  Hello peeps! I just completed an aptitude test!    I won't find out whether the new job works until the end of next week. ....   xoxo ...