Samstag, 26. Oktober 2024

Weekend 10/26/24 🎃

!!!! OMG...I forgot to make this post public...I'm so sorry. !!!!!

 Hello peeps 🎃

Isn't October a beautiful month?
It might be a few degrees warmer for me, but I can't complain right now.

Actually there should have been the second part of the Rokku Gyaru series today.
But I'll be honest...I didn't have the energy to do the research.
There is already a beginning of the post. But there should also be added value in the article.
I will try to finish the post tomorrow or Monday.

So I'll tell you a little bit about what I did.
I saw a very cute Liz Lisa necklace, but it was just way too expensive.
So I tried to DIY a similar necklace.

Since it is now December when this post goes online... unfortunately I don't know exactly what I wanted to tell you about this point... But I will blog more again soon... A lot has happened.


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2025 年 2 月 6 日

  Hello peeps! I just completed an aptitude test!    I won't find out whether the new job works until the end of next week. ....   xoxo ...