Mittwoch, 20. Dezember 2023

December Mercari Order 🎄


 Hello peeps!

 Christmas is coming early this year, isn't it? So I bought myself some christmas gifts. And what's better than gyaru clothing? You guess it right - nothing is better than gyaru stuff ♥ This post is a little bit different than my october order post. I just ordered a few days ago and now I have to wait. Two pieces are already canceled one day after I pay for it .... thx man.

 It is a jinxed. Last time my main reason why I ordered on mercari, I wanted something red - do you remember?
This time, I really wanted a warm, cosy, long, fluffy ..... pullover. And yes ... you are right. The most basic thing in World, was the first thing that got cancelled. I hate it, when I need to search for an alternative. This cost me like ... 4 hours. No joke. 

Look - when I selected my pieces I want to order, I have specific Looks in mind. I don't like it when my plan got crushed by the sellers.
And come on, a black pullover? This is a basic piece.  You can see, I have two black pullover in my order ... One of them are lost in space. No really - I ordered on the 12th of december and until now ... no response. In my head, I've already said goodbye to the piece... no seller takes 8 or 10 days to ship a pullover. As a rule, in such a case Mercari will initiate the cancellation at some point.

But lucky me ! There are some items they just arrived. 

For some reason my order is very dark ... wow.

In the last couple of weeks I'm a little bit nostalgic. I want to try a rokku CODE. So I found this cute GoH sweater. I have a feeling, that grunge is a trend for 2024. But I could also be wrong. 

Last but not least, here are the items that are shipped but awaiting for arrival.

You can see I found a skirt and a dress in this cute nordic-pattern I showed you in my last post.
I usually follow a certain brand or a specific style for my orders. But this time it's a little bit confused.
(And exceptionally black-heavy) 

I'm not sure if it interesting or not, but here are the items who I have absolutely no idea if they arrive or get cancelled.

I hope at least one of the warm, cosy pullovers will find their way to me. ~ haha
Isn't it funny ? All of the warm stuff stuck in "no answer"... Q_Q buuuh.

That is all for today. My vacation finally begins tomorrow.


Popteen 2010 - Winter Inspo


 Hello peeps!

Sorry for being so quiet for the last time. Life is going crazy. At the moment I have a Internship.And it is exhausting. I really want to wear gyaru outfits ... but it is to cold... and my boss dropt a negative comment about my "light" gyaru outfits ... that's annoying. But in a few days I had some days off and I finally can wear whatever I want. yeahi!

Today I want to show you my new favorite issue. I bought myself the Popteen magazine from october 2010 ... and this issue is everything!
Because I don´t want to picture heavy posts I only show you for now a few favorite outfit-pages. Don't worry I want to post more of this gorgeous magazine. 

These two outfits from above are so beautiful. I want to recreate them.

I wanna buy me a fur-scarf like the ones you can see on the pictures. I have some outfits in mind I wanna do.

The Liz Lisa collection from 2010 is ... *chefkiss* no words can describe this perfection.

For the winter I definitely want to find a "wintry-design"-Something ... dk how to describe the pattern. But on the pic above you can see some examples. 

That's all for now. I swear to god, I post more in the near future. pls excuse me ...


Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2023

Oktober Mercari order 👻


Hello peeps !

These are my products I first ordered, but some pieces get cancelled.
By the way, I started this post at the beginning of October. That's why I can already tell you what was canceled here. I really wanted something in red ... and guess what piece were cancelled first. Right ... the only thing in red.




Nr. 2 & 3

The fact that the knitted sweater was canceled makes me very, very sad. It was so perfect and it took me many hours to search for it.


I chose these things as replacements.

A brand new GOLDS Infinity bag?! omg. I was so surprised when I saw this. I already have a dress with these pattern like these from the bow. This will be a perfect match.

I also ordered these skirt/skort. I saw the matching blouse on Natsumi ♥ and I fell in love. I orderd the blouse, but I have to big boobs ... this shortens the blouse a little bit too much for my liking, so I think the skirt/skort in the same matirial make the blouse look longer on me. And I love the design so much.

 I'm not sure if I've posted my "fall wish list" yet (because it takes too long to find the perfect, but I really want to recreate a look of the wonderful Zhizhi. So I order this cute dress... It wasn't easy to find an old school floralprint dress. And this one is a bit too damaged for my taste... especially for the price (over 10 bugs) But... It was the best one I could find and I will try to fix the damage to the dress ( if it... arrive)


The two dresses cam accidentally ... haha 

I saw these two and fell in love. I had no chance to pass on the dresses.You can also see, that the Glamorous Jane dress has still there tags on. It was a good deal.


Update Okt.05.2023

These are definitely the items I will get very soon.

As much I love summer ... I need a inspo for autumn. I hope the Popteen mag from october 2010 will do the job.

Now I just wait for my last items to arrive at the main warehouse.


Samstag, 7. Oktober 2023

Ranzuki Fashion Scanns [Sep 2010]

Hello peeps! 

Today I wanna upload some fashion scans from the Ranzuki magazine september 2010 issue.
I put them together as double pages. I think this is a little bit better for my blog. I dont like my postings being to long. But let me know if you want them in single pages. These are definitely not all fashion pages from the mag, so I uploade many more in the futer. It is a win-win situation, for you - because you dont need to buy the magazine, and for me - I have my outfit inspiration online and dont need to worry if my issue gets lost. 

Here are the front page.

Ranzuki September 2010


2025 年 2 月 6 日

  Hello peeps! I just completed an aptitude test!    I won't find out whether the new job works until the end of next week. ....   xoxo ...