Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2023

D.I.A. DIY [ leopard top ]

 Hello peeps! 

Since we have this "problem" to not find any d.i.a clothes anymore (affordable). I decided to DIY a little bit. I would like to mention that I am not a professional seamstress. I just do it for fun, and maybe one day I'm actual proud of my work?
d.i.a clothing were "that thing" after/beside the romagyaru, himekaji aera. I remember 2011/12 when I dig deep into the world of gyaru brands, ther were: Liz Lisa, Ank Rouge and Yumetenbo for the sweeter gal-style and d.i.a., GLAD NEWS and Skinnylip for the more edgey, western kinda galstyle.
Yes, that were the brands I know at this time ~ haha ... my cute small horizon 

Nevertheless I will show you my progress on my new project.
I was scrolling through old gyaru blogs (which I really enjoy doing these days way too much) and I stumbled across Gyaru TwinZ's blog.
I link the original post under the picture.

Gyaru TwinZ

Tokyo Street Fashion

I fell in love with these cute top. And decided to make my own. I collected many DIY stuff to make my own d.i.a. clothing, but most of the time I'm to scared to ruin the pieces .. what is really dump, ... I can only make a progress when I try it. So I did.

1- First step, cutting out the front and back parts.


2 - Ruffle the bust part. And sew the side seams to get the tube.


3 - Figuring out how long I want the button-detail to be.

4 - Prepare the button placket detail and hand sew the buttons on.

5 - Sewing the whole thing on the top.

And this is currently my status from the top. I'm not sure yet if I really want to make the straps anymore. I would still need 2 small O-rings and the gold rivets to make it perfect.

Also I don't think I wanna make the arm warmers ... But I dont know .... help 


1 Kommentar:

2025 年 2 月 6 日

  Hello peeps! I just completed an aptitude test!    I won't find out whether the new job works until the end of next week. ....   xoxo ...