Sonntag, 16. April 2023

Shein Gyaru Outfit (Recreation) Pt.1

! helloooo peeps !
⊹⋛⋋( ՞ਊ ՞)⋌⋚⊹
 Welcome to my first "Gyaru Outfit Recreation" Post.
Since I flip through my latest egg magazines, I had this idea to find some similar gyaru-ish pieces in today's fashion.
And what better shop can we take than the one and only "Shein" ?
In the past years "Shein" grow so fast from a few clothing items to a big online marketplace. It's amazing you can find nearly everything there.

Today's outfit is from Egg magazine but I'm not sure. I found this picture a while ago on pinterest and safed it.

I am so thankful for the many scans ... ( 。・▽・。)

So we start with a very simple outfit, it is very suitable for everyday use and still has that certain gyaru-touch.

As we all know, we only have to break down the whole outfit in there separate pieces.
It's just a white waterfall shirt with polka dots, and a basic black top underneath.
The bigger problem is, that the waterfall cutout is not in trend at the time,
so we have to work with what we have. (`・Д・´)
Oh ~ and light blue boho-romantic-lacey skirts are also not in trend .... wtf.
So .... when we only want to use Shein for this project, we need a little bit of sewing skills (beginner friendly haha)

item number
 polka dot top: sw2301120109506586
basic tank top: sw2204085162026677
jeans skirt: sw2301316581946595
lace small: sh2301195609140079
lace thick: sh2211274428824672
hair acc: sw2108190751431374
socks: swsock03191015077
So, this is my result. You may noticed, that I excluded shoes ... I think shoes on Shein are way too overpriced ... and I couldn't find THE perfect match... sadly the only option in my oppinion are mostly sould out.
So I give you a little alternative.


This shoes would be so nice! ... but there are only size 36 left... meh (`・Д・´) !!!


... maybe this is an option... I'm not so crazy about the look. But imagine the cap on the front were black. I deliberately looked for heels that weren't so high, so that the outfit would remain suitable for everyday use.

Okay that's all for now, I hope you had much fun ... about my struggling ~ let me know what you think about this kind of posts ♥ (`・ω・´)ゞ 


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2025 年 2 月 6 日

  Hello peeps! I just completed an aptitude test!    I won't find out whether the new job works until the end of next week. ....   xoxo ...